Bark, sniff, and lick your way through the apocalypse to save the hoomans you love!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Last days of the campaign and a preview of the expansion packs!
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 11:27:18 PM
Hello hoomans!
We're in our final stretch of the campaign, and it's been amazing to welcome so many new people and pups to the pack! We can't wait to take on the zombies with you!
This may be our last update before the campaign ends, so we wanted to share a few things with you.
We're happy to announce that, with your help, we've unlocked our final stretch goal! We'll be adding unique zombie art to every zombie in the game, instead of just our stock suit-and-tie zombies (who we really do love). We're excited that you'll be able to chase so many different zombies around the city!
We have one final manufacturing hope that's been under wraps, and that's the possibility of adding a customized d20 to the game. We've been working with manufacturers to see if we can do a large enough print run to support the cost of a custom die. We're still working to get reliable estimates from our fair wage manufacturers, and that process is taking some time. However, it is still our hope to try to upgrade some of these components after the campaign ends! The more we are able to raise, the more likely we'll be able to make those upgrades. With that, we encourage you to continue sharing this campaign in the final 30 hours! Thank you for all of your wonderful support so far.
Now, we wanted to tell you a little more about the two expansion packs for the game—Weird Smells and Unlikely Allies.
Weird Smells and Unlikely Allies!
Both the Weird Smells and Unlikely Allies expansion packs come at the $55 and up levels!
Weird Smells
This expansion pack not only adds a whole host of new smells to the city, but new gameplay options that send your doggos across the board, on adventures both wonderful and strange!
The new smells will include a new kind of card: Missions! These cards will stay out on the table until you complete them, giving huge rewards!
You find Maria, a scientist who believes she knows how to stop the undead from rising. But she needs some samples to carry out her tests. You’ll have to herd Maria to The Smell Tower (the Hospital) where she can get her hands on samples before she’s willing to accept the refuge of Hooman Town in Central Bark. Escort her there safely, and you might help to cure the zombie plague! A bonus for you includes adding two immunity tokens to the board, which will come in the expansion.
In another example, Hiro wants to reunite with his brother, but the only piece of memorabilia he has is his brother's sock. Help him track down the scent of the sock’s owner, and you’ll get a formidable team of zombie hunters on your side, enabling you to remove multiple zombies from the board. (Note: These examples in the expansion packs are subject to change.)
These missions are big-risk, big-rewards. They don’t replace any component of the game, but instead add new ones for those who feel like they’re ready to take their doggo-loving/zombie-hunting skills to the next level!
Unlikely Allies
Unlikely Allies adds four new main characters to the game—and spoiler alert, they're not dogs! Play as a goat, a cat, a baby pig, and a parrot in this flavor-packed character expansion. These four characters were saved and raised by a loving pack of dogs when the zombies first emerged. They're now part of the pack, and they truly believe they're like any other dog. But these honorary dogs have some very special abilities. They're the only members of the pack that can do things like fly and climb trees!
Each of the Unlikely Allies has a unique power, designed for those who've gotten the hang of the base game. For example, Parry's ability is to either instantly fly to any space on the board, or to copy the power of another dog on their space!
We can't wait to see you all on the other side in Good Hooman Town! Thanks again for all your doggone support.
-Brian, Hannah, Evan, and Lupin
Entering the final week of the campaign, and announcing a new stretch goal!
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 09:52:33 AM
Bow WOW! (Sorry.) We’ve reached 100,000 dollars!!
That means, first: You all are AMAZING! Thank you so much for making this doggy dream into a doggy reality!
And secondly, this means that we’ve unlocked our BONES stretch goal! Every edition of the game will be shipping with adorable bone-shaped tokens, replacing the generic scent tokens of our first version. Thank you again for helping us make the game that much doggier!
Next stretch goal
We’re entering the last week of the campaign, and we’ve got a couple more stretch goals in mind! For today, we want to unveil our goal for $125,000:
Good Dog, Bad Zombie comes with 18 zombie tokens; and if we achieve this stretch goal, we’ll be able to put a unique zombie on every one of them! Chase after the zombie fireman! Bark at the zombie mail carrier! And herd the zombie tennis player into the river!
These zombies guard our final stretch goal. We’re not quite ready to announce it yet, but you can expect it to roll out soon!
Our pack is at PAX!
Are you at PAX East this week? Make Big Things is part of the Indie Bazaar booth, which is Booth Number TT44. Here’s a link to the map of the Tabletop Area. Come say hello, and we can show you how Good Dog, Bad Zombie works in person!
Ruff ruff!
Brian, Evan, and Hannah
48-hour countdown, PAX, and a gameplay video!
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 07:50:56 AM
Howl’s it going, friends?
It’s hard to believe, but we’ve reached the 48-hour countdown for Good Dog, Bad Zombie. This has been such an exciting campaign for us, and soon, we get to share this game with you! Thank you for joining us this past month, for bringing your friendliness and enthusiasm, and for helping us make GDBZ a reality.
PAX East
We had a great time at PAX East in Boston last week. It was great getting the chance to play the game with so many backers, and we hope at least a few of you are newly here after meeting and chatting with us at the convention. PAX is one of our favorite events of the year, and it was an honor meeting so many folks who have been following the progress of the project since the very beginning!
Gameplay video
This week, the good folks over at The Cubist Podcast played a livestreamed game of Good Dog, Bad Zombie. We’re so appreciative of their time and efforts and the video came out great. It includes a thoughtful review of the game at the end!
Thanks again to The Cubist for taking the time to create this great vid!
Let’s hit that next stretch goal!
If we hit our next stretch goal at $125K, we’ll be customizing every one of the game’s zombies with unique art.
We’d love to have 18 unique zombies for you to chase around the board. Let's make it happen!
The final countdown
The final two days are some of the busiest for a Kickstarter campaign. With your help, we can make this goal! Here's a sample social media post you are free to use and adapt:
Join me in supporting Good Dog, Bad Zombie on Kickstarter. It's a cooperative board game where you bark, sniff, and lick your way through the apocalypse! The campaign ends this Thursday at 9PM EDT!
Thank you for your support! We'll have another backer update tomorrow with more info about the Weird Smells and Unlikely Allies expansions!
We can't wait to get this game into your paws!
Most doggedly,
Brian, Evan, Hannah, and Lupin
April is here, and it’s brought big changes!
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Apr 05, 2018 at 03:49:43 PM
Hello backers!
April is here, and it’s brought big changes! We’re contractually happy to announce that Lupin, the canine star of our Kickstarter video, has bought a controlling stake (or is it steak?) in our company!
Not one to sit back on his haunches, Lupin has already begun to implement a bold new vision for the company formerly known as Make Big Things. We’ll let him explain the details:
Though some of these changes may take us all by surprise, remember: Every dog has his day. And as it turns out, Lupin’s is April 1st.
We hope you’re as excited as we are for the final stretch of the campaign! We’re well on our way to unlocking bone-tokens for everybody’s game—a goal that Lupin has expressed to be of enormous importance. You can help us get there by sharing the campaign’s progress with your friends! :)
Thank you again!
(and also Brian, Hannah, and Evan)
We’ve reached $80K! Announcing our next stretch goal—BONES!
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 07:29:05 PM
Yip yap yippee!
We can’t believe the GDBZ campaign has surpassed $80K! Your support is exceeding our wildest dreams, and we’re so happy to have you all as part of the pack.
With that, we’re ready to announce our next stretch goal! This one took us a few days, as we had to confirm some numbers with our manufacturers, but we’re thrilled to announce that we’re turning the game’s generic Scent Tokens into cute cut-out custom bones! (Say that five times fast!)
What do Scent Tokens do?
Players track Scent Tokens around the city in order to find the scaredy hoomans that are in hiding. Every time you sniff one, you’ll reveal a Scent Card that matches that location! Will you find a hooman that’s climbed a tree in Squireltown? Or will your nose betray you, and send you face-to-face with a zombie mailman?
Each location has multiple Scent Cards, so every game’s story will be different!
We’d always hoped we could customize these tokens! With your support, our Scent Tokens can look as good as they smell :)
Do you know anyone who loves games and loves dogs? Let them know about the campaign, and we’ll reach this next stretch goal with your help! We have nearly 1,000 backers! If even a quarter of us shared the campaign with family and friends, we’d reach this next stretch goal! Below is a sample tweet/Facebook post that you’re welcome to share.
Join me in supporting Good Dog, Bad Zombie! If you love dogs and hate zombies, this is the game for you!
You put a spring in our step, a wag in our tail, a treat in our maw! Thanks for joining our adventure!