
Good Dog, Bad Zombie: A Cooperative Board Game

Created by Make Big Things

Bark, sniff, and lick your way through the apocalypse to save the hoomans you love!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One week left to fill out Backerkit surveys, and FAQs!
over 6 years ago – Fri, May 25, 2018 at 05:42:17 PM

Hello hoomans!

Congratulations on the momentous task you’ve taken on. We’ve reached 70% completion on the GDBZ surveys, which is preposterously expedient (or is that pupposterously dogfeedient?).

71% survey completion, and still one week to go!
71% survey completion, and still one week to go!

We wanted to write to cheer you on, to say thanks, and to answer some frequently asked questions!

Thank you and troubleshooting

Thanks to everyone who has finished their surveys! As a reminder, these are not optional. You must fill out your survey or we can’t ship your rewards!

If you backed at a level that includes custom dogs, especially the 4 custom dogs and 12 hoomans levels, we know these surveys take a bit of effort! Thank you for filling them out, and we appreciate those of you who have reached out for help.

There are some common hiccups with the surveys. Depending on the add-ons you select, you may get stuck and not be able to move past certain questions. Here are some common issues we’ve identified:

Stuck in a survey loop or can’t submit my photos

If you’re stuck in a loop where the survey keeps taking you back to the beginning, it may be because you haven’t proceeded to the add-ons section. The prompts to upload dog photos may appear AFTER the add-ons. If this is the case, you’ll want to advance through the add-ons and click “next,” even if you’re not selecting any add-ons, so you can upload those photos and complete your survey.

If that’s not the case, or if you’re having unrelated troubles uploading dog photos, just drop us a Backerkit support request. We’re able to upload photos manually, so we can identify where you’re stuck in the survey and help you out!

Can’t purchase an additional custom dog add-on

We’ve capped this add-on at one per backer to keep the survey section as clear as possible. If you’d really like to get around this limit, you can use Backerkit’s pledge-switching function to up your pledge to a level that includes additional custom dogs.

Additional photo questions

  • Is my photo’s height & width the proper ratio? We’ll be cutting out your pup from the background to put them on a watercolor landscape, so any photo proportions are fine!
  • Is my photo a high enough resolution? Because of the filtering process, we can work with even fairly low-resolution pictures. That said, if your photo is at least 800x800 pixels, that helps us make the result as good as possible!
  • I’m not sure how to rename my photo to my dog’s name! Don’t sweat it. We can link up your photos using BackerKit’s tools; naming your photo just gives us a way to double-check our work. Feel free to submit without renaming if you’re having trouble.
  • Does my dog look okay in this photo? Yes! Your dog is adorable!

Backerkit timeline

Backerkit closes: Tuesday June 5th

Cards charged: By Friday June 8th

Remember, you must fill out your survey before the Backerkit closes on June 5th to receive your rewards for pledging to this campaign. If you’d like any help walking through the process reach out to us. That’s what we’re here for! Well, that AND delivering a fun game to your doorstep. :)

Production timeline

While the Backerkit is open, answering support requests and processing through surveys is a full-time job. We’ll have a rough production timeline for you in early June, after the Backerkit closes. In the meantime, we’ve already hit the ground running with expansion work and putting the final bit of polish on the game’s mechanics. Here’s a shot of Brian and Evan meeting in Chicago for a mini design retreat!

Brian and Evan playtesting in Chicago.
Brian and Evan playtesting in Chicago.

Thanks again for your kind, patient, enthusiastic support requests. We’re happy to help and we’re so excited to see all your pups!


Brian, Evan, & Hannah

GDBZ Backerkit has launched!
over 6 years ago – Mon, May 14, 2018 at 09:08:26 PM

Hello hoomans!

We’re happy to announce that the Good Dog, Bad Zombie Backerkit has launched! Backerkit is a pledge manager that connects to your Kickstarter information to deliver your rewards. You should have received an e-mail with the information you need to log in and complete your survey. We'll need your Backerkit survey info to be able to deliver your rewards, so follow the link from your e-mail. You can always return to this link if you lose track of that e-mail message:

Here are some important things to know!

The last chance for new backers and Custom Doggos!

This BackerKit will allow people who missed the Kickstarter a chance to get in on the game! This is the last chance for people to get customized versions of the game featuring their own dogs—once the BackerKit closes, that offer will be over! So if you know anyone who would be interested in joining our pack, please share this link with them:

This will also be the last chance for pledge switching. If you backed for the base game and decide to switch up to the expansions or a custom dog, now's the time!

This will be the last chance to get custom dog cards. After the Backerkit closes we won’t be offering these again!
This will be the last chance to get custom dog cards. After the Backerkit closes we won’t be offering these again!

Let friends and family know that if they want to see their own dogs in the game, this is their chance!

The GDBZ Backerkit will be open for pre-orders until June! Share the link with family and friends!
The GDBZ Backerkit will be open for pre-orders until June! Share the link with family and friends!

Important Backerkit dates

  • Surveys and pre-orders close: June 5th
  • Cards charged: by June 15th

We'll send a backer update if these dates change, but plan for around two weeks to fill out your survey! Cards will be charged shortly thereafter.

Placing your order

When you go to Backerkit, it will already know your pledge level. Before you fill out the survey, you'll have the chance to get some add-ons to your order. You can add custom dogs, more copies of the game, and even a Make Dog Things t-shirt!

Just a few of the options you'll see in the add-ons section of your survey.
Just a few of the options you'll see in the add-ons section of your survey.

If you find anything you want, simply select that add-on and click “Add to Cart.” You’ll be prompted to enter payment information at the end of your survey. Shipping is calculated for many of these items individually, as t-shirts and other Make Big Things games will ship out shortly after the Backerkit closes, before even the games go out!

The next page will take you to an address field, where you’ll enter your shipping information. Don’t worry, shipping address can be changed before games ship out! Even though we’ll be ending the surveys in June, we’ll keep address changes open until we’re ready to ship.

Taking your survey

If your pledge level includes custom dogs, or if you selected an add-on with custom pups or hoomans, you’ll want to leave some time to fill out your survey! Surveys for one custom pup should take about 15 minutes, including uploading your dog’s image.

Surveys that include four custom pups and 12 custom hoomans will take some time, and you’ll want to budget around 30-45 minutes to enter all your information for your customized game elements. Survey progress does not get saved, so while taking your survey, you’ll want to be careful to not close your browser tab or navigate away from the page to return later. You’ve got a few weeks to complete your survey and we don’t want you to lose any progress filling out your custom rewards, so take your time!

If you backed at $150 or above surveys should take around 30-45 minutes to complete. We’ve got a lot of custom information we need to get from you!
If you backed at $150 or above surveys should take around 30-45 minutes to complete. We’ve got a lot of custom information we need to get from you!

We’ve tried to make the surveys clear and hopefully even a little fun! Here are some tips to make the process go even smoother:

1. Want to customize pups but not hoomans? We’ve included the option to skip customization on some or all hoomans! You can skip customizing hooman names, flavor text, or both! If you select “skip” we’ll fill these cards in for you.

Don't want to customize all your hoomans? Skip em and we'll do it for you!
Don't want to customize all your hoomans? Skip em and we'll do it for you!

2. We need to be able to match your pup to their card! Whether you’re submitting one or four dogs, please name your uploaded files with the name of your pup!

Be sure to rename each file with the name of your pup so we can match the right dog to the right card!
Be sure to rename each file with the name of your pup so we can match the right dog to the right card!

3. Looking for something you don’t see in Backerkit? Backerkit’s customization tools only extend so far. If you’d like multiple copies of the same custom reward, get in touch with us. We’ll let you know which special requests we’re able to manually fulfill! (Ex: I’d like two copies of the game with my dog Lola, one for me and one for my mom!)

Getting in touch with us

We’re sure questions will crop up as you’re answering these surveys! Feel free to contact us publicly or privately through Kickstarter, or drop us an email here.

Thank you!

We have the best backers and we’re so excited to work with you. You put a smile on our faces and a wag in our tails!

We’ll send another update when survey deadlines loom near.


Brian, Evan, & Hannah

GDBZ Backerkit Launching Soon!
over 6 years ago – Mon, May 07, 2018 at 06:35:10 PM

Hello hoomans!

After much anticipawtion, the Good Dog, Bad Zombie Backerkit is under final review. The staff at Backerkit has been fantastic to work with. Because of the complexity of some of our custom dog surveys, we had to stretch their system to the limit, and they met us with good spirits every step of the way.

The Backerkit should be launching this week. Here’s what to expect:

What’s Backerkit and what do I have to do?

Backerkit is a pledge manager that interfaces with Kickstarter. Some time this week, we’ll send out another backer update letting you know the Backerkit has launched (you’ll likely get an email from Backerkit around the same time).

All of your pledge information, including shipping, will transfer over to Backerkit. If there’s nothing else you’d like to add to your pledge, you’ll just answer the survey and you’re good to go! You won’t be charged anything else unless you add new items onto your pledge.

Backerkit is cool because it lets us add “a la carte” items that would have been hard to fit into normal Kickstarter pledge levels. For the GDBZ Backerkit, these include things like additional custom dog cards, t-shirts, and tabletop RPGs from our back catalog of games!

Backerkit lets us offer certain Kickstarter rewards "a la carte," as well as items that didn't fit into individual pledge levels!
Backerkit lets us offer certain Kickstarter rewards "a la carte," as well as items that didn't fit into individual pledge levels!

Because some of these items are ready to ship and will be shipping from different warehouses, we’re able to charge shipping on these items separately. If you end up adding shirts or roleplaying games on to your order, those items will ship out this summer, even before the game is ready to go!

What if I'd like to add a custom dog or switch to a higher pledge?

Did you decide after the campaign that you’d like to get a custom dog, or you’d like to get four custom dogs and twelve custom hoomans? Backerkit lets you “switch” to a higher pledge, and so these items are still available to you!

Finally, the Backerkit also comes with a pre-order store that will let folks who missed the campaign pre-order the game. We'll include that link when the Backerkit launches and we encourage you to share it with family and friends!

Backerkit pre-orders will allow folks who missed the campaign to purchase the game!
Backerkit pre-orders will allow folks who missed the campaign to purchase the game!

What should I be thinking about for my dog submission?

If you backed at a level where you’ll be getting one or more custom dog cards, custom hoomans, or an illustrated pup, it’s time to start thinking about what you’d like those custom elements to be!

Decide on the photo (or photos if getting multiple pups) that you want to submit. We prefer high resolution pics with good lighting. The photo you submit is the photo we will use - so our print will be the same resolution you share with us! We’ll have more information in the next backer update about how to name those files properly. In the meantime, search through your library to find the perfect shot!

What else?

We’ll have more detailed instructions and another backer update for you when the Backerkit is ready to launch! We’re so excited to get you Good Dog, Bad Zombie as well as all of your custom doggos! Thank you for the support!

We'll see you real soon with another update!

Brian, Evan, & Hannah

Thank you, hoomans!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 11:08:38 PM

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!

We’re having trouble coming up with good dog puns right now because we’re just blown away. We never anticipated that this campaign would close at $175K, but we’re ready to jump into the next steps!

Numbers that would make any dog's head spin!
Numbers that would make any dog's head spin!
We’ll have more updates soon with information about how to submit dog photos, how to use Backerkit for add-ons and switching pledges, and a look into our production process. Until then, put your paws together for a job well done! We couldn’t have come this far without you, and the journey’s only just begun! 

Thank you for your support! Together, we’re going to make a great game!

Brian, Evan, Hannah (and Lupin too)

An amazing last day!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 08:04:53 PM

Hello hoomans!

To backers who have just joined and those who have been here since the beginning, we are floored! The past 24 hours have exceeded our wildest expectations. Thank you for being here, bringing such a positive attitude, and supporting this game and campaign!

Thank you!
Thank you!

The campaign closes tonight at 9PM EDT. There’s still time to share, so let all the game folks and dog folks in your life know today’s the last day to pledge! The more support we get today, the faster we can hit the ground running with production and getting this game into your capable paws.

Above: PAX pals testing our print-and-play prototype! Because of you, we can now make this a real board game!

In case you missed it, be sure to check out some of our previous updates about unlocked stretch goals, this great gameplay video from The Cubist Podcast, and this preview of the game from Everything Board Games and GeekDad. We’ve also got a page up on Board Game Geek, and we’ll be active there after the campaign closes!

Here are some links to help with easy sharing. We’ll see you back here tonight! We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Share the campaign on Facebook
Share the campaign on Facebook
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Share the campaign on Twitter

Brian, Evan, Hannah (and Lupin too!)